Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Helena to Anaconda

This section took us through, prospect land, lodge pole forest and rolling hills. It was short but like the other sections it still offered its share of challenges. Weather continued to be a concern with daily thunder and lightning storms and rains that would turn the trails into rivers. The trip to Anaconda also included a jaunt across private land giving us the chance to get charged by an angry cow and to perfect the important skill of navigating through barbed wire fences. We even got to sleep in a ditch. So goes the CDT. From here we head off into the Anaconda Pintler wilderness; our last leg before we head off the trail to attend some wedding celebrations.


  1. That bottom left picture is world class. Awesome shot!

  2. AnonymousJuly 21, 2009

    Amazing, love the one of the trail in the woods! See you in two days!! Can't wait! :)

    Claire Marie & Chris

  3. that video is hilarious, guys! getting pelted by hail, ouch!
